Good morning Loretta,
My client wants to buy a mobile home on leased land. I understand an FHA Title I loan allows for leased land. Also, he would need Essex DPA loan.
Can we help this person buy this home with an Essex DPA loan or FHA Title I?
Awww - thank you so much!!! 😃
Good day Loretta,
It is such a blessing to be able to reach out to you. You are amazing.
Thank you,
Steve Hopkins
NMLS 197687
Office: 703-674-2182
Cell: 571-253-4460
Steve Hopkins: NMLS ID # 197687; Company NMLS ID # 1591;(; Branch NMLS ID # 134213; DC-MLO197687; FL-LO4421; VA-MLO-1079VA, Churchill Mortgage
Corporation of TN is Licensed by the Virginia State Corporation Commission as VA-MC-5222; WA-MLO-197687; 505 Huntmar Park Drive, Suite 250, Herndon,Virginia 20170
Good day Steve!
Thank you for your submission to the scenario
desk. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you in helping your
- We do not
offer Title I Manufactured loans at CMC.
- There are
very few banks out there that do those specific loans.
- Try
reaching out to your local bank branches to see if they do these types of
loans. You can pull up a list of
Title I Lenders at – I provided the list that pulled up in Florida.
- Be sure to select only the Title I lenders in the drop down.
- These are
considered Chattel loans. There are
a few banks and credit unions that do these – I know one company called
Credit Human does these types of loans, but not through FHA – that’s where
my friend had their mobile home loan through.
Guideline links and
snips to assist you:
HUD Lender List | / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
If you need any additional information, please
feel free to reach out to us.
Please upload this
e-mail string to the 0108 – UW Cover Letter bucket in addition to placing a
copy in the NEW Encompass Screen "UW/Closing Notes" found under the
forms tab.
**The underwriter may ask for additional
documentation once the loan has been fully reviewed.
Thank you for your partnership in reaching out
to the Scenario Help Desk!
Have a blessed day,
Care Agent
The Scenario Team 😊